Cold Pressed NEEM Oil – Prasadhak

Neem Oil is extracted from the whole fruit and seeds if the tropical tree azadirachta indica, also known as the Indian Lilac.

Neem Oil is abundant in Nutrients.

Hence, it is widely used in lotions, creams soaps and cosmetic products, It is known to prevent skin disorder, such as acne and eczema.

Neem Oil has anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.



  • Neem Oil is harsh on skin so always apply with a carrier oil.
  • Add a few drops to your soap to disinfect.
  • Add to shampoo, floor cleaners, carpet cleaners to eliminate bugs.
  • Add essential oil to make small bearable. Can be used on kind and pets when diluted.


  • Acne, rashes and inflammation
  • Reduce ticks and fleas on pets
  • Get rid of body and hair lice
  • Relieves Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Pest control at home and kitchen
  • Treats indoor plants

buy Cold Pressed Neem Oil online at best price – Prasadhak : The Gift of Nature

Make your Body Healthy!!

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